Leaders Tips Videos

Paint a Picture

May 27, 2016 in Leaders Tips Videos
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Communication can be tricky! Here’s one way to make sure you are on the same page with the person you’re talking to.



Video Transcript:

A few years ago I was having a problem with one of the leaders in my church. We seemed to be continually miscommunicating, it was beginning to break down our relationship. (more…)

Responsibility Not Title

May 9, 2016 in Leaders Tips Videos
1 Comment

One of the most common mistakes people make is thinking that leadership is about having a title. Let’s talk about the truth…



Video Transcript:

One of the most common misconceptions about leadership. Is that it’s about having a title or a position. If you’ve got one, then you’re a leader, and if you don’t you’re not. (more…)

Anything Not Everything

April 4, 2016 in Leaders Tips Videos

A common idea today is that “You can have it all.” Well, sort of. Let’s talk about how that really works.



Video Transcript:

Here’s a thought for you to consider. You can do almost anything you want to do, but you can’t do everything you want to do. That’s actually a basic principle that every leader needs to face. (more…)

Follow Through

March 18, 2016 in Leaders Tips Videos

A lot of people are looking for a breakthrough in their life. Today we’ll talk about one of the keys to getting a breakthrough—and keeping it!



Video Transcript

With this week’s Leader’s Tip, I want to talk to you about the key to seeing a breakthrough in your life. There is nothing more common in life than people who don’t change. It is one of the saddest realities in our world. (more…)

Less Is More

March 2, 2016 in Leaders Tips Videos
1 Comment

Ironically, doing more isn’t always the best way to get more done. Sometimes less is more…



Video Transcript

In between planting churches, I worked for a while for a marketing company, and there was one axiom I heard over and over when people were looking at the ads that companies would send in to us and that was that “Less Is More”.

It was super common for companies to design ads, like for a magazine, that were packed full of information, they wanted to let people know what a wonderful product they had and to communicate, all the benefits so that people would buy. Unfortunately those ads often didn’t work, they had so much information packed into them and the page would get so crowded, there was no place for a reader to focus, so they wouldn’t even look at the ad and just turn the page.

Less Is More we’d say when we saw an ad like that. The best ads usually had a strong headline, a good picture or graphic of some kind and a few lines of copy, and although there was a lot less information, those ads will do better because people would stop and look at them. They had a focus and weren’t just cluttered.

Now the same principle applies to life – Less Is More. One of the biggest things that stops people from being really effective, from making the impact that they could have, and from having the life they could have, is that they’ve just got too much going on.

Less is more is means intentionally choosing those things that are most important. The things your best at, those few things that really make a difference, and let the rest go. Delegate it or drop it, but don’t put any more effort into it than you absolutely have to. Then do real quality work on the most important things.

In the book the 5 Choices, the authors put it this way; the key to true productivity is not to get more things done, but to get the right things done, the important things, with the highest quality you can achieve.

It’s not about doing more with less but doing more about less, it’s about concentrating more of your very best attention and energy on those few priorities that really matter and getting them done in the midst of the new or the inevitable gravel that’s in our lives.

I know this isn’t easy, especially at the beginning; you may get resistance from other people and resistance from inside your own head. It can seem like it’s selfish. It will take courage and determination and discipline, but it is worth it.

The end result over time will be that higher productivity and more satisfaction in life with less stress; and the people around you will notice a difference and they are eventually going to want to know your secret. Focus on the most important things and do those really well, you will see a huge payoff.

Less really is more!

Be Clear

February 18, 2016 in Leaders Tips Videos

What’s more important than being certain about the direction you’re going? That’s our topic for today…




This week’s Leader’s Tip is simple.  As a leader you need to be clear even when you are not certain.  One of the biggest things that hinders and organization from accomplishing what it could, is that the Leaders aren’t clear on where they are going or on why they want to go there.

So the most common leadership mistakes around, I know I am guilty of it many times, we just aren’t clear with our people about what we want to see happen.  Sometimes that is because of a lack of communication skills.  More often though, I think it is because we aren’t sure that we’re right.  If we’re not sure we’re right about that direction we tend to hedge our bets by being vague.  But that almost guarantees that nothing will happen, at least nothing of real importance.  As a Leader we need to push past the fear that we aren’t right.

Setting direction and casting direction always has a subjective aspect to it.  It seldom, if ever a case of being right or wrong, we aren’t talking about morale issues here.  So even if you aren’t absolutely sure you’re right, you owe it to your people to be clear, to be as clear as possible.  You can even acknowledge that you aren’t absolutely sure it’s the perfect answer or the right direction.  And you can acknowledge that a case can be made for something else, that’s fine.  Cause it’s true.  But at the end of the day, if you’re the leader, you have to make a call.

You have to set a direction and you have to be clear about it.  People may disagree with you, but they should have no doubt about what they are disagreeing with.  Now let me be clear again, I’m not saying you have to insist that you are right.  Clarity isn’t certainty, that’s not the issue and it’s not helpful to focus on that.  But if you believe your church or organization is supposed to focus on reaching out to your community, for example.  You have to be clear about that.

Be clear about where you are going, why you are going there and how you’re going to get there.  If people disagree, that’s fine, it doesn’t mean they are bad people, and it doesn’t mean that you are wrong.  Just don’t let them be confused because then nothing will happen either good or bad, and both your people and you will be frustrated.  So be clear even when you are not certain, you’ll be amazed at the difference it will make.

Leaders Tip: Be Clear

in Leaders Tips Videos

What’s more important than being certain about the direction you’re going? That’s our topic for today…


Hey Guys, it’s Dave Frederick and this week’s Leader’s Tip is simple.  As a leader you need to be clear even when you are not certain.  One of the biggest things that hinders and organization from accomplishing what it could, is that the Leaders aren’t clear on where they are going or on why they want to go there.

So the most common leadership mistakes around, I know I am guilty of it many times, we just aren’t clear with our people about what we want to see happen.  Sometimes that is because of a lack of communication skills.  More often though, I think it is because we aren’t sure that we’re right.  If we’re not sure we’re right about that direction we tend to hedge our bets by being vague.  But that almost guarantees that nothing will happen, at least nothing of real importance.  As a Leader we need to push past the fear that we aren’t right.

Setting direction and casting direction always has a subjective aspect to it.  It seldom, if ever a case of being right or wrong, we aren’t talking about morale issues here.  So even if you aren’t absolutely sure you’re right, you owe it to your people to be clear, to be as clear as possible.  You can even acknowledge that you aren’t absolutely sure it’s the perfect answer or the right direction.  And you can acknowledge that a case can be made for something else, that’s fine.  Cause it’s true.  But at the end of the day, if you’re the leader, you have to make a call.

You have to set a direction and you have to be clear about it.  People may disagree with you, but they should have no doubt about what they are disagreeing with.  Now let me be clear again, I’m not saying you have to insist that you are right.  Clarity isn’t certainty, that’s not the issue and it’s not helpful to focus on that.  But if you believe your church or organization is supposed to focus on reaching out to your community, for example.  You have to be clear about that.

Be clear about where you are going, why you are going there and how you’re going to get there.  If people disagree, that’s fine, it doesn’t mean they are bad people, and it doesn’t mean that you are wrong.  Just don’t let them be confused because then nothing will happen either good or bad, and both your people and you will be frustrated.  So be clear even when you are not certain, you’ll be amazed at the difference it will make.