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Summary Titles (Text List of all Summaries) (Church Culture)

by Haydn Shaw
Each generation, whether it’s the aging Boomers or the young Millennials, approaches God with a different set of questions and needs based on the times in which they grew up. Haydn walks you through these generational differences and paints a vision of hope for the future.
by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, and Warren Bird
The Multi-Site Church Revolution offers guidance, insights, and specific action steps as well as appendixes with practical leadership resources and self-diagnostic tools.
by Jay Pathak & Dave Ruyon
Drawing on the success of their own church campaign, two pastors help readers learn to value, respect, and care for the people who live in their neighborhoods.
by Kevin Harney & Bob Bouwer
Readers will see that there is not just one right way to reverse decline. They will receive practical help and wisdom born of experience as they begin their own U-Turn journey.
by Shawn Lovejoy
In this honest and encouraging book, Lovejoy calls pastors back to the "main thing," the call to love people and make disciples, and to measure their success the way God does.
This work describes five easily identifiable categories of church culture (inspiring-accepting-stagnant-discouraging-toxic), with diagnostic descriptions in the book and a separate online assessment tool.