Secrets of Dynamic Communication
If you speak regularly, as most pastors do, Secrets of Dynamic Communication is a book worth paying attention to. I’ve read scores of books on preaching, teaching, and communicating, and most have been helpful.
But few do what Ken Davis does—break down the preparation process into clear, understandable pieces. Many communicators I know were taught what to do to present well, but not many were taught how to do it. Here we have a specific process that everyone can use to improve the quality of their speaking.
I don’t have a detail to pull out from this book to focus on. For me, the value is having a specific process to work through when preparing a talk. I think I have developed my own process over time just because I’ve prepared so many talks over thirty years of ministry, but it isn’t a systematic one.
The next time I prepare a sermon I’m going to keep the SCORRE outline next to me and compare it to how I normally work. I know there will be similarities, but I suspect there will be some things I overlook or do minimally that will help me put together a better talk if I embrace them.
I’m curious—have you developed a systematic approach to your preparation? Care to share?
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