Reproduce Who You Are
August 5, 2015
in Leaders Tips Videos
In this week’s LeadersTip, I’m sharing the most powerful truth I’ve learned in 30 years of leadership. I think you’ll find it helpful!
“You teach what you know but you reproduce who you are.” is an incredibly profound statement.
I believe that it is true because only in those areas of our being, where we have been transformed into “His likeness” are the words that we speak carried by “His Spirit” and are therefore capable of producing life in others.
I like the intent of what Dave is saying – to be mindful of the fact that our greatest impact is in sharing ourselves as much as our teaching. However I am concerned that it might promote a greater level of self-centredness if not appropriated in the right way. If we are not careful we will end up reproducing people who are self-focused rather than Christ-centred. I am greatly challenged to live with JOY – Jesus first, Others second and Yourself (ie Me) third. Our natural tendency is to invert this to make Me the centre of the universe. May it not be the case for us as disciples of Jesus.
Morning brethren, I follow what Dave if putting across, we ought to set an example, not like those preachers who say, ‘do as I say, not a as I do’. We should be imitators of Christ, His reflection.
So, Geoff, maybe it should be ME first (but ALWAYS, Me in Christ) = reproducing that Godly character.
I agree with your concern, Geoff, but think that the intent is to “reach out from who you are in Christ instead of focusing on fixing others.” Therefore, by definition, our focus is on God, as we are in Christ, even as we live each moment through the overflow of our Spirit-filled heart.
I just now see Tozie’s reply and see we have similar perspectives. Thank you both.
I agree with these comments. My point is that if we are Christ-centered, that is naturally what we will reproduce in others. Who we are–who we really are–is what we will pass on. If we are self-centered, eventually we will pass that on too. So our primary focus is on becoming the person God intends us to be–Christ centered lovers of God, servants, etc. If we can reproduce that purpose and passion in others, we will be doing well.