Turnaround Pastor
Is your church a shadow of its former self, once vibrant with life but now all but dead? Your Sunday morning attendance is a fraction of what it once was, finances are getting desperate, and your sense of mission seems non-existent. That’s where Don Ross was. Most onlookers saw no future in his church. But Jesus saw a place for them, and He molded Don into a Turnaround Pastor, a leader to revive God’s people to do His work.
I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead.
Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die. Revelation 3: 1-2
Turnaround Pastor is both a riveting story and a practical guide complete with actionable steps to save, revive, and build your community of faith. Learn from Dr. Ross’s personal experience and coaching expertise how to communicate effectively with your congregation, make courageous decisions to move your church forward, lead through major changes, cast meaningful vision, advance Christ’s kingdom in your community, and become a Turnaround Pastor.