Primal Leadership

Primal Leadership

Daniel Goleman's international bestseller Emotional Intelligence forever changed our concept of "being smart," proving that emotional intelligence (EI)--how we handle ourselves and our relationships--matters more than IQ. His next book, Working with Emotional Intelligence, proved that personal career success also depends primarily on EI. Now, Goleman teams with Richard Boyatzis and Annie McKee--experts on the cutting edge of EI research--to explore the consequences of emotional intelligence for leaders and organizations.

Unveiling scientific evidence that links organizational success or failure to "primal leadership," the authors argue that a leader's emotions are contagious and must resonate enthusiasm if an organization is to thrive. This breakthrough concept changes the primal task of leaders from driving earnings or strategy to driving emotions in the right direction. Drawing from decades of analysis within world-class organizations, the authors show that resonant leaders excel not just through industry smarts but by leveraging EI competencies like empathy and self-awareness. They also interchange among six leadership styles--from visionary to coaching to commanding--as the situation demands. The book no leader in any walk of life can afford to miss, this unforgettable work transforms the art of leadership into the science of results.
