How do you find answers to your questions and overcome the issues that you face?
Leadership is messy.
People expect you to have answers.
- Leading a ministry is full of difficulties.
- Christian leadership brings up constant questions and new things to consider.

We Started With Two Basic Convictions
The Church is the hope of the world.
When it is healthy and functioning as it should, there is no more powerful organization than the Church to impact the world. By "the Church" we mean the local church and all the agencies and ministries that work together to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ on earth.
Everything rises and falls on leadership.
The health of the church (or any organization) is connected to the quality of its leadership—to the character, integrity, and skill of those who lead it, whether they are pastors, staff, or lay leaders who impact others and influence the health and growth of the church.
The Problem is that Leadership isn't easy!
Christian leaders face numerous challenges...
Limited or no support or training
Unrealistic expectations
Difficult situations with many questions
Christian Leaders can now access the wealth of wisdom that is available to them, share insights from the trenches, and do it in a way that really works!
Leaders Book Summaries provides condensed versions of the best books for Christian leaders while staying true to the essence of the text and the author's voice.

- Access to the Masters: Our summaries allow you to learn from accomplished leaders who have learned the hard lessons and found success.
- Wisdom: Carnegie Mellon University did a study that showed people who read summaries retain more than those who read full books. It’s a time-efficient way to grow in wisdom.
- Convenience: Members receive 30 Summaries released directly to their inbox annually. There is also a personal online library to access your summaries at any time.
Incredible Time Savings

The average reader takes 6-10 hours to read a book. 30 leadership books is an investment of at least 180 hours!
You Spend 4.5 Full-time work weeks!
15-30 minutes to read one summary. 30 of our summaries is only a 7.5-15 hour investment! You save 165 hours!
You Gain 4 Full-time work weeks!
Look at it another way...

The average Leadership book has 250 pages X 30 per year. = 7,500 pages.

Our summaries average 13 pages X 30 = 390 pages.
That is a savings of over
7,000 pages read!
When you look at the real numbers, the cost savings are huge!
What People Are Saying About Our Solution

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“Leaders Book Summaries are my favorite resource. They give a quick read and yet deep insight regarding the key points of the best books of our day. At $7 a month, this is the best value on the market. I heartily recommend Leaders Book Summaries.”
Happy Leman
- Vineyard Midwest Regional Overseer
“I highly recommend his Leaders Book Summaries...”
“All leaders are readers!
Dave Frederick, founder of Leaders Book Summaries, does a great service to all of us who desire to read more in order to lead better. I highly recommend his Leaders Book Summaries service to every pastor and church leader I know.”
Nelson Searcy
- Church Leader Insights

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“The summaries are a wonder tool for me”
“My reading time is an investment and Leaders Book Summaries helps me maximize the investment. Some of the summaries draw me into the book and I end up getting and reading the book, knowing it is a good investment of my time. For others, I get the main ideas, well presented, and decide not to invest further reading time right now. The summaries are a wonder tool for me."
Elmer Lorenz
- Director of Operations TEAM
What is Stopping You?
I have been doing this a while, so I've heard various reasons why people assume that our summaries aren't for them.
I am so busy that I don't even have time to read a summary of the book.
I have heard this reason more than any other. However, this is very short-sighted reasoning. One thing that I learned many years ago is that I must prioritize what is important and deliberately act upon my choices. I would suggest that growing as a leader is of vital importance for every leader... Not investing in your own growth will come back to bite you.
What Kind of Help Can I Expect?
Some of the issues addressed by our summaries:
- How do I get a vision? How do I effectively communicate it?
- How do I lead my organization through change?
- How can I become a more effective communicator?
- How can I delegate successfully?
- How do I shape my church or organization’s culture?
- How can I develop other leaders?
- How can I live a more sane, balanced life?
- And many, many more…

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I am confident that you will grow if you use our summaries. I am offering you a 100% Guarantee. If you sign-up and read the summaries, but do not reap any benefit in 30 days, just let us know and we'll send you a prompt refund.
P.S.: Why leave your development to chance? You have an opportunity to use your resources wisely and invest in your growth. One thing is for sure, if you don't act, nobody will act for you.
More Thoughts From Our Readers
Rather than tell you myself why I think a subscription to Leaders Book Summaries will help you, I'd like to tell you what some of the subscribers think. And just to be clear, none of them were paid or got any personal benefit from writing these testimonials. I just sent out a letter asking subscribers to share what value they found in our service.
Here's what they said:
Thank you so very much for these summaries! I have a very busy life, and yet try to keep it in balance. I love to read, learn, grow, and be better equipped for everything in life. These summaries enable me to do so, yet not spend too much time doing it. I am able to read the 'best of the best', in one sitting, and walk away refreshed, inspired, and moving in the right direction!
I read every one. I refer the books to others that I work with on staff and in ministry. These summaries are concise and give all the best parts of the books. I do not have time to read all of the books that I want to, but I do want to keep current on leadership skills, church management, what is going on with people and ministry ideas and best practices.
Dave does a great job of capturing the main points, summarizing them so that they can be used immediately. It has allowed us to get more reading done and move along in our growth.
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