Time Management for Busy Pastors
In a recent survey of pastors and leaders, time management was rated the #1 felt need by a wide margin. Frankly, that wasn’t a surprise.
I've been a bi-vocational church planter three times, and now I lead a growing church while running a business. I know well the importance of managing my time! Partly out of necessity, I've been a life-long student of time management.
Now I've taken what I've learned through years of study, and years of applying what I've learned in the trenches, and written Time Management for Busy Pastors. And I want to make it available to you.
You will learn:
- The #1 thing you can do to make your day more productive
- The best way to organize your week
- How to start each day off strong
- How to get ahead on your preaching preparation
- Simple tricks to save yourself time every week.
- Plus a bonus section on biblical goal-setting!
This is a practical book. It isn't full of untested theories—the things I write about I've tried and tested. They work.
You can save hours of time every week by applying some of the tips I outline in Time Management for Busy Pastors. And you don't have to apply them all—take the ones that are easiest, and get started. You'll see an immediate return on investment.