Generational IQ
Generational IQ was a fascinating look at the differences between the generations and how those differences are expressed related to spirituality. I found it tremendously insightful and helpful in understanding the different values and approaches that the different generations have.
Rather than a particular insight from the book, I found myself pondering how to take those differences into account from a teaching or preaching perspective. Clearly, the different generations see things differently, and understand and value things differently. Is it possible to cross those lines successfully? Is it possible to speak to all the generations effectively? When one values community, and another generation values individuals, how do you communicate with both?
I think it is possible. Most of the themes that are identified in the book have a biblical basis, even if they are somewhat imbalanced in real life. While I question if it can be done in a single sermon, it would be very possible to touch on all of them over the course of a series. And ideally that would bring a balance to all the generations.
I lead a multi-generational church, and usually teach in series, so I am eager to explore being intentional about speaking to the different generations. I think it could be very fruitful for everyone.
What do you think? What insights did you gain? And if you are involved in a multi-generational church, how have you seen some of those differences played out?
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